ACLS Academy

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Why Train with ACLS Academy?

With so many life support training facilities in the Boston area and across Massachusetts, it can feel overwhelming where to go. Trust us; we’ve been there! So why train with ACLS Academy? Let’s break it down for you!

Our Knowledge

Our instructors have at least five years (but most have 10-20!) of experience working hands-on in hospitals as physicians, registered nurses, and paramedics. Each of our instructors is still actively working in the healthcare industry in addition to teaching courses at ACLS Academy. Because of this, our students get access to the knowledge and experience of our instructors.

Student Satisfaction and Loyalty

ACLS Academy is here for you for the long haul! We have had the pleasure of training thousands of healthcare providers in various life support courses. Our students are consistently coming back for both new courses and recertifications!

We’re Reliable

We have a lengthy instructor list, and our calendar is always packed with course availability and times, so it’s easy to sign up for what course you need and when you need it! We also have three convenient locations around the Boston area (Newton, Quincy, and East Bridgewater), making it even easier to take our classes.

Our Professionalism and Support

We got into the business of teaching life support because we noticed there wasn’t enough in the area to train both healthcare and non-healthcare workers. Our entire staff and our co-founders, Shelley and Chad, are committed to providing you with all the information you need in an easy-to-digest way.

So what do you say? Are you ready to take a course with ACLS Academy? Learn more about our courses here!